Now More Than Ever . . .

When I first published Mud and Dreams, the levels of anxiety and depression, hostility and loneliness, were rising dramatically among all groups. That was before the pandemic, before so many other things that have driven us further apart. Conditions are even more desperate today. Now more than ever, we need…

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Working Remotely? How To Stay Connected

Remote work is here to stay. A recent study projects that after the pandemic ends, 22 percent of all full work days will be take place from home, compared with 5 percent before.  (Barrero, Bloom and Davis, 2020). Fortunately, during the COVID-19 pandemic, many businesses found that they could still get payroll…

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The Good and the Ugly in the Practice of Law

By now, most of us are familiar with the mental health risks associated with the practice of law. A 2016 ABA study found 20.6% of lawyers had unhealthy relationships with alcohol, 28% reported symptoms of depression, 19% showed signs of anxiety, and 23% had harmful levels of stress.  North Carolina has a long history of attending…

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News of the World

When my son was still small, we unplugged the television. It had been a source of news and lazy, easy entertainment. It was even a babysitter when we needed a moment of quiet. Our neighbors and the other parents understood, but did not understand. There was a timid awe and…

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Liberty, Self-Limitation and COVID-19

These have been stressful, unusual times. There are no easy answers as to how we protect one another from the medical risks of COVID-19, while also enabling people to support themselves and their families.  Opinions vary and emotions run deep. As state and local governments begin to relax the restrictions that have been…

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7 Things To Do During The Pandemic

In this time of uncertainty, when so much that we understood and believed about the world, and the way we organized our lives, has been turned upside down, there are a few things we can remember and do to maintain our center and make the best choices for our health and…

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10 Questions To Ask In A Different Way

The New Year is often a time for assessing things: For looking back over the past twelve months or twelve years, at our successes and shortcomings, our rejoices and regrets, and for looking ahead at what we hope for the future. The hard thing with any self-assessment, is not the…

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Discovering Meaning (3 Exercises)

Joy, happiness, Awe, Sean Doyle, Positive psychology

The philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche famously said that “He who has a why to live for can bear almost any how.” Research and experience have shown this to be true. Having a sense of meaning makes us more resilient and persistent, and less dissuaded by setbacks. It helps us find creative…

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