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Adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt.

Mud and Dreams

My newest book, Mud and Dreams is a series of essays on the poetry and science of living.

A work of “motivational poetics” the book speaks directly to the human concerns at the center of our lives. Mud and Dreams makes poetry, philosophy and psychology accessible and relevant again, by starting not with jargon or form, but with what matters to people. Most importantly, it is an argument for the goodness of people, for the persistence of kindness, the ubiquitousness of beauty and the irresistible strength of vulnerability. With sensitivity and honesty, Mud and Dreams brings a poet’s imagination to the worlds of business, love, parenthood and life. It respects the reader with intelligent, embroidered prose, and celebrates people at their best, despite our shortcomings, despite life’s hardships and challenges.

The book is divided into short, but sensitive and honest chapters about love, marriage, children, truth and beauty, paradox, irony, health, old age, permanence, loss, authenticity, injustice, compassion, work, pain and sorrow, kindness, the connections between people, peace, awe, humility, death, a life of play and meaning: In short, those things that make life worth living.

You can read what people are saying about it here.

Please get a copy for you and your loved ones.

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Being Human: A Love Letter, is a “chapbook”, a short sample of some of my other readings that are explored more deeply in Mud and Dreams.

When Being Human was released, the reception was humbling  and overwhelming. After reading the book, author David Pollay, co-founding Associate Executive Director of the International Positive Psychology Association, referred to me as the “poetic voice of positive psychology.” You can find Mr. Pollay’s full review here, and get your copy of Being Human here.


I wish I could look you directly in the eyes and help you see the meaning and beauty of your lives. But since I am limited to only words on a page and on a screen, I hope that you find something in them to encourage and comfort you, and help you discover a reverence for being.

Happiness Field Manual

While Mud and Dreams is an intimate embrace, a dialogue and relationship, Happiness Field Manual, is a short, practical guide that summarizes all the research into Human Flourishing and offers roll-up your sleeves advice of what you can do right now to enhance the texture and quality of your life. For a limited time, Sign up and get your free e-copy. A paper bound edition is also coming soon!

Sean’s next book is expected to be released in the fall of 2025.

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