Now More Than Ever . . .

When I first published Mud and Dreams, the levels of anxiety and depression, hostility and loneliness, were rising dramatically among all groups. That was before the pandemic, before so many other things that have driven us further apart. Conditions are even more desperate today. Now more than ever, we need…

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Discovering Meaning (3 Exercises)

Joy, happiness, Awe, Sean Doyle, Positive psychology

The philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche famously said that “He who has a why to live for can bear almost any how.” Research and experience have shown this to be true. Having a sense of meaning makes us more resilient and persistent, and less dissuaded by setbacks. It helps us find creative…

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Sharks and Stoics

One day my wife and daughters were at the beach enjoying cups of ice cream and sun and walking out on the pier. My youngest looked over the rail, and bursting with joy, shouted, “How cool! A shark!” Her excitement was absolute and unrestrained. My older daughter, turned and glanced…

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MicroAdventures – on the Radio

Special thanks to Matt Townsend for having me his show to discuss microadventures and rediscovering a zest for life!  You can listen here. And in case you missed my original article, on Rediscovering a Zest for Life, you can find it here. Keep being good for the world.

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Beginner’s Mind: The Zen of Work

Zen Buddhists talk of the “beginner’s mind” – that presence and openness that allows us to remain original and fresh, where there is no thought of achievement or thought of self. If you can keep your mind receptive and empty, like a beginner, it will always be ready and open…

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Overcoming Workplace Stress

Are you ever stressed at work? Regardless of whether you see your work as a calling, a career or a job, you probably do experience stress from time-to-time.  It could be due to unreasonable demands or expectations: the client’s, your boss’s or your own.  It might be a lack resources…

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Work as a Calling (Part 2)

Last week I wrote about three different approaches to work: Work as a job, a career, or a calling.  The benefits of seeing work as a calling, to the individual and the organization, can be profound. In that article I pointed out that one way to shift to work to…

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Work as a Calling (Part 1)

How do you describe your work? Is it just a means to pay the bills?  Something that fills the day that you can’t wait to end?   Or is it something you basically enjoy, but don’t expect to be doing in five years? You have bigger plans and other goals.    Or do you consider your work…

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