
Whether through speaking or writing, personal coaching or engagements with your teams, I am devoted to connecting with you about the things that make life worth living.

This does not mean that you will be free of hardship or regret or despair. It does not mean that everything will be easy or you will always “feel” happy.

What it does mean, is that you will be positioned to embrace those things that give you a sense of being at home in the world. That despite the setbacks, disappointments, and fears, you would do it all over again. It is about falling more deeply in love with life.

In addition to my books and other writing, some of the ways I connect with people include:

Speaking Engagements


Sean speaks regularly on matters of resilience, building relationships and how to find happiness and meaning in life. Among other groups, Sean has spoken with business leaders about finding meaning while getting things done; Foreign government about instilling hope when their people are protesting in the streets; Buddhist monks on happiness, and recovering addicts on the things they do have upon that they can depend.

In all, Sean’s talks weave poetry and stories, the latest psychological science and practical experience, into a visceral experience of the themes that run through every human life: joy and loss, vulnerability and vitality, courage and despair, beauty and heartbreak.  By so doing, Sean offers accessible insight from three decades of helping people navigate the tough spots in work and in life.

You can see Sean’s TED talk on the Beautiful Game here, an interview with the NC Bar Association on well-being issues here, or listen to some of his radio podcasts on here.

High Value Dialogue (Coaching and Consulting)

At times all of us need someone to help us clarify what we want out of lives, renew our commitments, or simply act as a sounding board as we try to navigate life and increase our satisfaction and success.  Maybe your team is pressing into new, uncomfortable areas, or you are pursuing a specific goal or are trying to advance in your career.  Life could be staring at you, eye-to-eye, with one of its unreasonable and unexpected challenges.  Maybe you are simply worn down by the rigors of those things expected to normal and natural:  parenthood, marriage, health, success.  Sometimes, even when everything is really, really good, we are left with a feeling that there must be something more.

The best way to achieve effective, lasting change is through engaged connection with an experienced professional committed to your well-being.  Whether through one-on-one engagements, or working with mission-critical teams, Sean can help you gain a greater sense of clarity around what you really want, and find the pathways to achieve it.  You have the expertise and talent and skills to execute the substantive aspects of your mission. Sean will help you remove the barriers to your success, and help you build the relationships that will be with you for the long haul.

Nothing gives me greater satisfaction and joy than the one-to-one encounters, and the dialogues of active vulnerability and purpose, that help others find a greater sense of clarity, meaning, success and joy in life.

Events & Retreats 

Sean’s customized retreats are transformative experiences for you and your friends, coworkers or community, that combine poetry, psychology, physical activity, natural beauty and the opportunity to forge nurturant relationships with others who are also committed to finding alignment, connection and meaning in their lives.

Each event is specifically designed to include substantive content around your wants, and structured to build lasting relationships. They include numerous touchpoints after the retreat to enable the insights and friendships to continue to flourish.  Click here to contact Sean about designing your own program: for you, your friends, coworkers, family and community.

Virtual Programs [coming soon!]

Check back for a host of virtual programs on applied meaning and finding greater happiness and success in work and life!

Special Case for Lawyers

Sean is the only person in the world with over thirty years’ experience practicing law and graduate training specifically in the psychology of attorney well-being. As such, Sean understands the special challenges faced by attorneys.

As a profession, lawyers have the highest rates of depression and job dissatisfaction.  We are also among the worst in alcoholism, heart disease and whole other parade of horribles.  Of course, this is not everyone. Most of us are doing o.k. However as I talk with other lawyers about what we know about meaning and well-being, I watch their postures changes. Just beneath the surface, many of us have a feeling that there must be something more. We spend too many hours at work for it to only be o.k..

Since 2006, I have worked directly with lawyers, law firms, and other groups directly on matters of mindfulness and goal attainment, mental toughness and psychological flexibility, happiness, resilience and meaning.

Selected results of my recent study of the well-being of 2500 attorneys can be found here.

The practice of law can contribute to the meaning and richness of our lives. Research and experience confirm it.

For more information about any of the above, please contact me at


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